J C Leasing LLP and Couch's
323 Centre St. Dallas, TX 75208
Office - 214.943.7660 ---- Fax - 214.943.7157

Current Rentals

Online Fillable
Rental Application

Complete the application. Then "Save As" a pdf file to your computer and email it to:
Call us once you emailed your application. We work the application as we get them.
James or Alexandra. — "4rentjcl@gmail.com"

Online Fillable W-9
Complete the W-9. Then "Save As" a pdf file to your computer and email it to:
Call us once you emailed your application. We work the application as we get them.








"Fillable" — 30 DAY NOTICE TO VACATE
Complete the NOTICE. Then "Save As" a pdf file to your computer and PRINT IT AND EMAIL TO:
James or Alexandra. — "4rentjcl@gmail.com"
Call us during business hours to confirm we have your notice.
214.943.7660 — M-F — 9 to 5.





This site is brand new. Working on it when we can.
We'll do our best to keep the "Rental List" current.
When you open the "Rental List" check the date. If the
list date is more than a week old, call us. 214.943.7660.
Ask for James or Alexandra "Se Habla Español"

From us at JCL and Couch's.

















Fillable Vendor Invoice
Complete the invoice. Then "Save As" a pdf file to your computer and email it to:
— "Attn: Bookkeeping"